Saint Malo, in the daytime of spring tides, offers us an exceptional show of waters and colors. Waves rise higher and higher and explode along the dike.
At the Mont Saint Michel, in the daytime of spring tides, the sea countered more quiet and more docile, but attention it is faster, it is a wave which advances and which nothing seems to stop, the sea arrives at the speed of a galloping horse, say people of the bay, in the river Couesnon wich winds at the foot of the rock, the stream quickly extends beyond the river and surrounds the Mont St Michel.
The highest tides in Europe take place in the Bay of Mont Saint Michel, beetwen Cancale and Granville, 48 hours after the new and the full moons.
In the daytimes spring tides, the sea can have a difference of more than 14 meters in height, withdraw in low tide approximately in 15 kilometers of the Mont Saint Michel, and come back surronding it in high tide 6 hours after.
The sea come not ich day at Mont Saint Michel, we can see it surrounding by the sea this 2023 Spring, Summer and Autumn, of April 06 to 8, and from 18 till 22, of May 05 to 8, and from 18 till 21, of June 04 to 07 and from 18 till 20, of July 03 to 08 and from 18 to 21, of August 01 to 06, and from 18 till 20. of September 01 to 05, and from 15 till 19, from 28 to October 03, from 14 till 18, and from 27 to November 01, from 13 to 16 and from 25 till 29.
Take advantage of a week of holidays in the Saint Malo region, of the holiday cottage Ker Mor it is very easy to join the Mont Saint Michel, to see this wave, wich nothing seems to stop, to repossessits territory. It is an unforgettable show.